615-955-1531 info@audilux.co


Over a number of years, lured by the magic of “DIY” technology, I tried nearly every DIY system: SmartThings, Wink, Hubitat, OpenHAB, Home Assistant, Home Kit and probably a few I’m forgetting. I would spend days configuring lights, TVs, and speakers, and just when it came time to show things off for my family, something would break.

I would fix it, and then it would break again. We’d “upgrade” to another system, rinse and repeat.

This led me to one very simple realization: Home automation that’s not reliable is just not worth having.

The Importance of Local Control.

Another thing that’s not quite right is the delay you experience with most DIY systems. You flip a switch, wait five or six seconds, and THEN your light finally turns on.

In an effort to keep costs down, commands are sent out to the internet for processing, which creates a delay and unbeknownst to you keeps most of your system from functioning if you ever lose your internet connection.

No Bueno.

DIY Means a Seperate App for Everything

Finally, that brings me to the greatest DIY rub of all, nothing is centralized. Yes, you CAN control everything with apps, glorious apps, but the problem is you end up with fifteen of them, none of which bother to talk to each other.

If you lose your cell phone, good luck controlling anything.

If you’re looking for a better way

Elan Home Automation Interface
Elan Smart Home Interface

At Audilux, we proudly design home automation systems with Elan. Here’s how things are radically different than DIY.

You’re not alone. Since Elan is only available through certified dealers, you’ll sit down with a pro and explain what you want to accomplish. We’ll build a solution that does everything you want and nothing that you don’t. Would you prefer not to give the kids access to security cameras? We can do that.

Do you want the lights to come on when you pull in the driveway way? Not a problem.

Everything you want is tied into one interface and ONE app, and almost everything is processed locally without ever leaving your home.

This is inherently more secure, and dramatically faster.

But there have to be cons….

Of course, there are always cons, but there are only two real negatives to a well-configured system from an integrator.

1. Cost – This may seem obvious, but if you place any value at all on your own time, this objection quickly starts to disappear.

2. You’ll need to call your dealer to make some changes, but after all, do you really want to have to mess with it anyway?

So how much does a custom system like Elan cost?

An entry-level Elan system to control something like a home theater starts at about $1500. Whole-home systems range in price depending on complexity and exactly what you want to control.

What Parts of my home can I control with Elan?

Lighting, Audio, Video, Security, Irrigation, Shades, Door Locks, Gates, and your Climate Control to name a few. With some careful planning to select the right products, almost anything can become a part of the system. One app to rule them all.

If you’re interested in taking the first step to finding out what a real smart home is like or looking for a certified Elan Dealer in Nashville, let’s talk. We’d love to hear about your project!